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PA libel: “Israeli Prison Service has ‎worked to turn coronavirus into a tool of ‎abuse against the Palestinian prisoners”‎

‎“Thirteen new cases of infection with the ‎Coronavirus were recorded among the ‎prisoners in wing 3 of Ketziot Prison. Thus ‎the number of those infected in the wing ‎rises to 44 since last weekend. In total the ‎number of those infected among the ‎prisoners in the occupation’s prison ‎stands at 184…‎

It should be noted that since the outbreak ‎of the epidemic, the occupation’s Israeli ‎Prison Service has worked to turn it into a ‎tool of abuse against the prisoners ‎through a series of measures whose goal ‎was to impose more isolation and control ‎on the prisoners, which worsened the ‎conditions of imprisonment (sic., see note ‎below).”‎

Libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners

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