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Libel: Israel gives terrorist prisoners the Coronavirus vaccine – the PA warns ‎it may be “using their bodies for experiments”‎

Headline: “The prisoners of Ashkelon ‎Prison receive the first dose of the ‎Coronavirus vaccine”‎

‎“The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ ‎Affairs announced yesterday [Feb. 7, ‎‎2021] that the prisoners of Ashkelon ‎Prison (i.e., Shikma Prison) have ‎received the first dose of the ‎Coronavirus vaccine, except one ‎prisoner who refused to receive the ‎vaccine. The commission explained in a ‎statement that the prisoners are currently ‎waiting to receive the second dose, ‎which is expected to be given next week.‎

The commission again emphasized that ‎there needs to be a neutral medical ‎committee that will supervise the ‎prisoners’ vaccination…‎

It noted that there is clear concern and ‎worry for the fate of these prisoners, ‎especially in light of the long historical ‎experience with the policy that the ‎occupation’s Israeli Prison Service has ‎implemented against the prisoners ‎throughout the recent decades, ‎including using their bodies for ‎experiments (sic., see note below ‎regarding the PA libel on medical abuse ‎of Palestinian prisoners).”‎

Libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners

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