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PA TV presents the PLO Charter as currently calling for Israel's destruction

Official PA TV narrator: “The [PLO] Charter… which is based on our right to self-defense and to the return of the stolen homeland in its entirety; and this is a right that the international conventions and norms confirm…”

Visual: A regional map including the map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine” colored red.

Text underneath: “This is a right that the international conventions and norms confirm”

Narrator: “The first clause [of the PLO Charter] states that: Palestine is an Arab homeland… and that the Palestinian Arab people is the one with the legitimate right to its homeland, and an inseparable part of the Arab nation…”

Visual: An old Fatah logo in black and white that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the map of “Palestine” which includes all of Israel.

Text on screen: “Al-Asifa (i.e., Fatah military unit) – the Palestinian National Liberation Movement [Fatah]”

Narrator: “The other clauses deal with the Palestinian identity… and the importance of the Palestinian cause for Arab existence. The 16th clause states that the liberation of Palestine, from an international perspective, is a defensive operation necessitated out of self-defense, as determined by the UN Charter.”

Text on screen: “Clause 16 states that the liberation of Palestine, from an international perspective, is a defensive operation necessitated out of self-defense, as determined by the UN Charter.”

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