PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: Israel attempts to expel Arabs
Abbas at ceremony at the Ministry for Religious Affairs:
“This blessed Jerusalem is currently subject to the most serious violations and the harshest aggression... we perceive in it [Israel’s expulsion of four Hamas officials] as a prelude to the forced expulsion of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, whose aim is to change the geographical and demographic situation in the holy city… We know that this expulsion is simply the prelude to the expulsion of others... The oppressor will not last in Jerusalem; the oppression will not endure. Victory will come, Allah willing. This land is Allah’s best land, for which He chooses the finest of His believers, as it is written in the words of the Prophet [Muhammad].”
“This blessed Jerusalem is currently subject to the most serious violations and the harshest aggression... we perceive in it [Israel’s expulsion of four Hamas officials] as a prelude to the forced expulsion of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, whose aim is to change the geographical and demographic situation in the holy city… We know that this expulsion is simply the prelude to the expulsion of others... The oppressor will not last in Jerusalem; the oppression will not endure. Victory will come, Allah willing. This land is Allah’s best land, for which He chooses the finest of His believers, as it is written in the words of the Prophet [Muhammad].”