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New libel: Lebanon "valiantly" defended itself against Israeli "aggression"

Headline: "Fatah - Lebanon valiantly defended its sovereignty”
“The Fatah movement emphasized its position in support of the Lebanese government and the Lebanese people in their defense of their sovereignty and their land. Fatah movement spokesman Ahmad Asaf praised the Lebanese position and the decision by the Lebanese leadership concerning the Israeli military activities on its territory, and Lebanon’s ability to stand up to the aggression and provocative activities of the occupation army. Asaf added: ‘The aggressive Israeli acts in the north and the south will lead the area into a new cycle of violence and actions and reactions, which will benefit only the extremists in the Israeli government.’ Asaf emphasized the support of Fatah and the Palestinian people for Lebanon and the decisions of the Lebanese state in all matters concerning defense of its borders and of the Lebanese people, whatever the size of the sacrifice involved. He said that these heroic positions would cause the Israeli occupation to think a thousand times before harming the sovereignty of sister Lebanon."

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