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11 PA political parties express their rejection of Israel's right to exist in their logos

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
  • As Israel celebrates its 73rd birthday, nearly 1/3 of the 36 Palestinian parties running in the upcoming PA elections have logos that include the PA map that erases Israel, presenting all of Israel as “Palestine.”

The logos that are being used by the 36 parties in the PA parliamentary elections are a window to aspects of Palestinian ideology and goals. 11 of the lists include  in their logos the PA map of “Palestine” that erases all of the State of Israel and includes it in “Palestine.” The two dominant Palestinian political movements, Fatah of Mahmoud Abbas that is the major party ruling the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas, that rules the Gaza Strip, include the map of “Palestine” that erases Israel. Fatah's logo also includes two rifles and a grenade, indicating that the goal of liberation of “Palestine,” i.e., the destruction of Israel, will be through military means. The Future party of Muhammad Dahlan -- a Fatah breakaway - likewise uses the map.

The following are the names of the 11 political parties and logos that include the PA map of “Palestine” that erases Israel and includes it in “Palestine.”

Hamas - Jerusalem is Our Promise

The Fatah Movement


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine -
The People's Pulse


The Future (party of Muhammad Dahlan)



Palestine is for Everyone (Independent)


Watan (Independent)


We Shall Return (Independent)


The Obligation to the Homeland (Independent)


Homeland's Awakening (Independent)


The Commitment and Loyalty Bloc (Independent)


Freedom and Dignity (Independent)

Palestinian Media Watch has documented the PA’s denial of Israel's right to exist at length and these 11 parties don't hide they are committed to continue this ideology.

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