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PA TV rips into PMW for exposing PA TV’s glorifying terrorists

Official PA TV program Giants of Endurance, hosting released terrorist prisoners Salah Burghal and Omar Abu Ruweis, who served 9 years for shooting at Israeli soldiers

Released prisoner Omar Abu Ruweis: “I want to make a small comment on the matter of medical neglect (sic., see note below regarding the PA libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners). Brother Samer, I see that the occupation has completed the stage of medical neglect. Now the occupation is carrying out the stage of medical execution against the prisoners.”

Official PA TV host:“Yes, direct execution.”

Omar Abu Ruweis: “Direct execution.”

Host: “The incitement campaign against [official] PA TV and against the program Giants of Endurance continues. But Allah willing, we will be a bone in the throat of this occupation and of anyone cooperating with this occupation. Let’s watch.”

Narrator: “Because the Palestinian prisoners are an inseparable part of this public’s deep-rooted identity; because they have sacrificed the most precious thing they have – freedom. They are the ones who have resisted and given not only years of their lives behind bars, but they have sacrificed their future for the sake of the supreme goal, which is the homeland. They are the ones who have willingly separated from their families and children. They have been denied visits from them and have suffered from the prison guard’s tyranny and arrogance. They have given to the homeland that which is possible and that which is impossible, and from a drop of smuggled sperm came the beginning that will pass on the narrative – the beginning of a child and the beginning of hope and victory for the prisoners.”

A PMW video with the PMW logo is shown of the wife of terrorist Walid Daqqa – who murdered 1 together with accomplices – appearing on official PA TV on May 22, 2020 together with their daughter Milad, who was conceived from smuggled sperm.

Narrator: “A narrative of those with rights that debunks the lie of the occupation and its media.”

Unidentified man: “We are emphasizing that we believe with complete faith in our cause and the justice of our cause. We believe with complete faith that the occupation will pass, and that the [Palestinian] state will doubtlessly be established.”

Narrator: “This narrative, with its legitimate rights, passes from generation to generation. It constantly emphasizes the national principles, in the melodies of innocent girls. The image of the Palestinian child will remain a frightening concern for the occupier.”

A PMW video with the PMW logo is shown of a Palestinian girl singing a song demonizing Israelis as killers on official PA TV on May 26, 2016.

Narrator: “You are not alone. The leadership, led by His Honor [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, is supporting the Palestinian prisoners and strengthening them in every speech and from every platform, and it has not hesitated to provide all aid. Despite all the challenges and obstacles that have been placed in their path, they have continued to pay the salaries of the Martyrs and prisoners on time.”

A segment of a speech by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is played.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “We will not rest and will not be silent until everyone is released and the prisons are emptied.”

Narrator: “[Official] PA TV and the program Giants of Endurance were and still are obligated to send to you, from this official platform, the loftiest blessings to salute your resolve and convey your suffering. We are participating with you in resisting the occupier through the media. No to silencing the voice – the voice of the right will remain.”

A PMW video with the PMW logo is shown of a Nov. 12, 2020 broadcast from the official PA TV program Giants of Endurance, in which the host says the following: “A symbol of the rifle and the stone… News has been published of the death as a Martyr of the special patriot who never was broken; ‘Allahu Akbar’ (i.e., “Allah is greatest”)… O Palestine, your son has died as a Martyr. Kamal Abu Wa’er (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of at least 4) has died as a Martyr.”

Narrator and text on screen: “You, O heroes, who have outlined the exalted expressions of heroism and honor, and who have defended the honor of the nation and its glory – we stand in your honor with admiration and honor, for you are the firm foundation.”

A video is shown of a prisoner being released.

Libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners

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