Abbas’ advisor threatens world peace: If conflict continues in Jerusalem “the entire planet will burn”
PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “They [Israel] are attempting to create a history for Jerusalem that it has never known. If this aggression does not stop – and this is a message to the world, to the free world, to the international community – if this Israeli aggression does not stop, everyone will pay the price!” …
Official PA TV host: “There clearly is a comprehensive plan by the occupation to Judaize the holy city and make it for the Jews only” …
Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “The Palestinians have been left alone defending not just themselves but rather all humanity in Jerusalem… Is it conceivable that the site of the Night Journey of Muhammad will be desecrated and the Muslims will do nothing, the Christians will do nothing, and the international community will do nothing? … Everyone will pay the price if the conflict develops the way the occupiers are planning it, the way they want it, and the way they carry the matter. If it becomes a religious conflict, God forbid, then the entire planet will burn! The entire land will burn, and no secure place will be left on the planet!”
Mahmoud Al-Habbash said this amid violent Arab riots in Jerusalem.