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Hamas’ abuse of kids in Gaza: “If we die, we’ll die as Martyrs” - Hamas spokesman’s young daughter

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |


  • "Our land [is] Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea… Israel will be destroyed”

  • Children in Gaza taught to seek martyrdom-death, chant: “Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem”

Meet Lama. She is the young daughter of Hamas’ Ministry of Internal Affairs’ spokesman Iyad Al-Buzum. He posted this video of her amid Hamas’ rocket barrage against Israel last month.

Child abuse? Decide for yourself:

Hamas spokesman’s daughter Lama Al-Buzum:

“If we die, we’ll die as Martyrs for the sake of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa”

The young girl also reiterates Hamas’ uncompromising stand that Israel “will be destroyed” and that “Palestine” encompasses all the State of Israel – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, including Israeli cities such as Ashkelon, Haifa, Jaffa, Safed, and Beit Shean:

Hamas spokesman’s daughter Lama Al-Buzum: “If we die, we’ll die as Martyrs for the sake of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa. And if we live, we’ll live in dignity and glory… We’ll return to Palestine... We’ll return to Ashkelon, Haifa, Jaffa, Safed, and Beit Shean (i.e., all Israeli cities) – to all of Palestine, and we will pray at Al-Aqsa. When the occupying Jews occupied our land, they said: ‘The adults will die and the children will forget.’ Today we tell them: It’s true, the adults died, but they taught us and raised us not to forget our land. These children have grown, and we are the ones who will return to our land Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea: the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the 1948 [territories] (i.e., Israel). We tell them: All of Palestine is one, and Israel will be destroyed.”

[Facebook page of Hamas Ministry of Internal Affairs spokesman Iyad Al-Buzum, May 19, 2021]

Those who are criticizing Israel and its self-defense against Hamas’ 4,300 rockets, which inevitably resulted in civilian casualties in Gaza, should look at what the leadership in Gaza teaches their children.

This video shows Gazan kids chanting former PA and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat’s infamous words encouraging Palestinians to seek death as “Martyrs”: “Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem”:

Children in Gaza: “Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem, millions of Martyrs,
Millions of Martyrs, millions, are marching to Jerusalem,
Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem,
Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem, Martyrs are marching”

[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, May 25, 2021]

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that both the PA and Hamas abuse children by indoctrinating them to be Martyrs.

PMW also recently reported that the PA/Fatah likewise anticipate that “Palestine” will be “liberated” and replace Israel “from the river to the sea” as Lama, the daughter of the Hamas spokesman, was taught to envision:

Fatah Shuafat and Beit Hanina Branch Deputy Secretary Musa Al-Rajabi: “We are remaining here. Jerusalem won’t agree to being divided in two. Jerusalem is ours. Jerusalem is Arab, Islamic, and Christian… We’ll protect Sheikh Jarrah as we’re protecting the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We’ll protect the Damascus Gate as we’re protecting the Lions’ Gate. We’ll rise up every day against this tyrannical occupation that is heavily armed … We’ll continue to confront it with bare chests until the liberation of Palestine – Palestine from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River, Palestine which is Arab and Islamic. It will remain ours.”

[Official PA TV, May 18, 2021]

Fatah/Hamas Riot and Rocket War 2021

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