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Lebanese Shari’ah judge lauds Fatah’s history of terror

Headline: “Shari’ah Judge Oraymet condemns the assault against the [PA] Mufti of Jerusalem and the blow to symbol Yasser Arafat: Fatah’s jihad fighters are similar to the jihad fighter companions of Prophet [Muhammad] in the Battle of Badr (in 624 CE, an early Muslim victory –Ed.)”

“In comments he made to [the official PA daily] Al-Hayat Al-Jadida… [Chairman of the Islamic Center for Research and Media in Beirut] Shari’ah Judge Oraymet added: ‘Fatah is the revolution; Fatah is [former PLO Chairman and PA President] Yasser Arafat and [Khalil Al-Wazir] “Abu Jihad” (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125); Fatah is the Karameh battle (see note below -Ed.) and the first bullet that was fired competently and decisively at the Zionist enemy in Palestine. Fatah is the first Intifada (i.e., Palestinian wave of violence and terror against Israel, approximately 200 Israelis murdered, 1987-1993) and the first Palestinian child and young woman throwing “stones of hard clay” (a reference to Quran 105:4 -Ed.) at the face of the Zionist snake.’”

Abu Jihad

Yasser Arafat

The Karameh battle

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