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Planned Israeli flag march will cause “a new explosion,” threatens PA official

Headline: “Israeli assessments that the provocative ‘Flag March’ will be approved, Siyam warns that it will cause a new explosion in Jerusalem”

“[PA] Jerusalem Deputy District Governor Abdallah Siyam warned against the [Israeli] flag dance march that the occupation is organizing this Thursday [June 10, 2021] in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, because this will cause a new explosion in the city (refers to violent Arab riots; see note below -Ed.).

In an interview to [the official PA] radio [station] The Voice of Palestine yesterday [June 5, 2021], Siyam said that these marches are a continuation of the marches that were planned for the 28th of Ramadan (i.e., May 10, 2021, when Jerusalem Day marches were cancelled due to violent Arab riots and Hamas began rocket barrages at Israeli cities). He emphasized that the Jerusalem residents’ defense of their holy sites is connected to their faith and not to a certain period of time, and that they will thwart this plan with their determination and resolve, as they thwarted it in the past.”

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