PLO cartoon shows Israeli soldier hanging Palestinian prisoner by kicking ATM machine out from under him, in reference to measures against PA terror salaries
Cartoon and text posted on the Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs
The cartoon shows an Israeli military backhoe with a Star of David on it about to demolish a house with “The Palestinian home” written on it, which is flying a Palestinian flag. A Palestinian prisoner is being hung from the backhoe, while an Israeli soldier with a grotesquely large nose and a Star of David on his helmet is kicking out an ATM machine from under the prisoner. On the left side of the ATM machine is written: “The national banks,” and on the front of the ATM machine is written: “The prisoners’ salaries.”
Posted text: “The persecution of the Palestinian prisoners amid the stopping of their salaries by the Israeli occupation. The occupying entity is threatening the Palestinian banks with imposing limitations and directing charges against them internationally on charges of supporting terror (refers to the application of much of Israel's Anti-Terror Law to the West Bank, including rendering banks liable to punishment for facilitating PA terror salaries -Ed.).