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Hamas congratulates Taliban on defeat of the US in Afghanistan

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.  |

Terror group Hamas have put out a statement celebrating the Islamist Taliban jihad victory in Afghanistan, following the departure of American soldiers.

The statement, published on Hamas’ website, reads:

Headline: “Hamas congratulates the Afghani people for defeating the American occupation in its land.”

“The Islamic Resistance Movement ‘Hamas’ congratulated the Muslim Afghani people for defeating the American occupation in all the Afghani territories (refers to Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in Aug 2021 -Ed.).

In a press release on Monday [Aug. 16, 2021], Hamas congratulated the Taliban Movement and its brave commanders for the victory, which constitutes the climax of its long jihad over the last 20 years.

Hamas wished the Muslim Afghan people and its leadership success in all that will give Afghanistan and its people unity, stability, and prosperity, and emphasized that the end of the occupation of the Americans and their allies proves that the resistances of the peoples, and foremost among them our fighting Palestinian people, are promised victory and the achievement of its goals – freedom and return, Allah willing.”

[Hamas website, Aug. 16, 2021]

In the last general elections held in the Palestinian Authority, in 2006, Hamas won 74 of the 132 seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council (the PA parliament) winning the outright majorities in both Gaza and the West Bank. In the run-up to the most recently called elections that were due to be held in May, it was clear that Hamas would again win a majority in the PA parliament. For that reason, PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas cancelled the elections.

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