Poem in PLO youth magazine expresses pride in Jihad fighters who died as Martyrs
Poem by a girl in 8th grade, published in PLO magazine for youth, Zayzafuna:
“Look at Jerusalem and at the Dome of the Rock [Mosque] Whose moon is high in the sky
Raising its head [in pride] at its sons who have Died as Martyrs for its [the mosque’s] liberation There the mighty Jihad fighter died as a Martyr
And Jerusalem is proud of its heroes who defend it with stones. Oh Jerusalem, do not be sad, for your victory is near
With the song of birds up high
Asking its people to stone the enemy
Oh bride of time
Oh third holy place [to Islam] – we will redeem you with our life
Oh compass of the nation – do not be sad
For your victory is near, Allah willing
Victory, victory, victory, oh city of Jerusalem.”
Note: Zayzafuna is a PLO magazine for children funded by the PA. The magazine, which includes material written by both the magazine’s staff and child readers, represents the values of the educators and serves as a window into the minds of the Palestinian children submitting material to the magazine. PMW’s book Deception includes a chapter on Zayzafuna. Following PMW’s exposure of Hitler glorification in the February 2011 issue, UNESCO halted its funding of the magazine. View UNESCO’s statement and PMW's bulletin on the December 2011 issue of the magazine.
“Look at Jerusalem and at the Dome of the Rock [Mosque] Whose moon is high in the sky
Raising its head [in pride] at its sons who have Died as Martyrs for its [the mosque’s] liberation There the mighty Jihad fighter died as a Martyr
And Jerusalem is proud of its heroes who defend it with stones. Oh Jerusalem, do not be sad, for your victory is near
With the song of birds up high
Asking its people to stone the enemy
Oh bride of time
Oh third holy place [to Islam] – we will redeem you with our life
Oh compass of the nation – do not be sad
For your victory is near, Allah willing
Victory, victory, victory, oh city of Jerusalem.”
Note: Zayzafuna is a PLO magazine for children funded by the PA. The magazine, which includes material written by both the magazine’s staff and child readers, represents the values of the educators and serves as a window into the minds of the Palestinian children submitting material to the magazine. PMW’s book Deception includes a chapter on Zayzafuna. Following PMW’s exposure of Hitler glorification in the February 2011 issue, UNESCO halted its funding of the magazine. View UNESCO’s statement and PMW's bulletin on the December 2011 issue of the magazine.
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