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PA daily: Congress applauded Netanyahu in an "idiotic manner, as if they had hemorrhoids"

Hafez Barghouti, Editor-in-Chief of the PA daily: 
"Anyone watching what took place in the Congress [during Israeli PM Netanyahu's speech] would likely be nauseated, because these Congressmen and Senators lost their dignity and looked like riff-raff. Even the most extreme extremist in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) would not have applauded in that idiotic manner, with every word that Netanyahu uttered. The disgraceful applause and the shameful standing [ovations] - 31 times - as if they had hemorrhoids and Zionist impaling stakes in their backsides, are something that can be presented to the UN next September so that the international community might express its opinion concerning the American occupation of Palestinian land and its support of settlement, killing, and expulsion."

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