PA daily columnist: Israel worse than Nazis and fascists in its treatment of prisoners
Headline: "Palestinian Prisoners' Movement in a predicament"
"Everyone can ask: Which party is sabotaging the [prisoner exchange] deal for [Gilad] Shalit? It is the distorted Israeli criteria which declare that prisoners fighting for liberty of their people and the independence of their homeland and their state, have blood-stained hands, and other things which no one believes. These courageous heroes are freedom-fighters; they are not criminals. It was not they who came to 'Eretz Yisrael', occupied it, and settled it by force! This was done to the Palestinian people by the Israeli occupation…
The record of the Israeli treatment to our prisoners is not a clean record at all. Some have died as Shahids (Martyrs) inside the prisons as a result of Israeli medical negligence and as a result of logistical negligence: fires have broken out in some Israeli prisons because of electrical faults or something else, and even more serious are acts which even the Nazis and the fascists did not commit at the height of their arrogance and hatred for humanity, such as the imprisonment of pregnant women so that they would give birth in prison; detention of women together with their children; procedures forbidding family visits; Israel's refusal to appoint lawyers for them; isolation for lengthy periods; violent and racist interrogation methods; and other Israeli violations and actions which are considered crimes against humanity."