EU gives the PA $400 million per year in aid
“European Union (EU) representatives met with the media outlets… in Tulkarem, in the presence of EU Communication and Information Officer Shadi Othman…
Othman gave a short explanation about the aid that the EU is providing to the PA, whose scope is 300 million euros, equal to $400 million, per year (Arabic original said $ -Ed.). Of it, $150 million is being allocated to the PA to cover current expenses such as employees’ salaries and operating expenses, and 50 million euros (Arabic original said euros -Ed.) is being allocated development initiatives in Area C (i.e., land under full Israeli administration according to the Oslo Accords) and East Jerusalem. He emphasized that the funding was stopped last month [July 2021] because the EU is approving its budget for the new year, and that it is anticipated to renew its aid in October [2021].”