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Former Fatah top official Dahlan praises 2021 riot and rocket war as Palestinian “victory”

Former Fatah top official Muhammad Dahlan: “I can say with certainty, with pride, and with honor that the Palestinian people has restored the Palestinian cause to being on the international community’s agenda (i.e., via Arab riots and Hamas rockets.)... It is a victory of the unity of the Palestinian people – the residents of the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and our people in the 1948 [territories] (i.e., Israel)… The Palestinian people took the reins in its hands without its leadership and did not ask for permission from anyone. It rose up in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip identified with it, and the West Bank was dragged after it. Afterwards, the crown of this act was that our people in the 1948 [territories] worked to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque and identified with our people in Jerusalem. Therefore, this beautiful picture that the Palestinian people drew with its sacrifices, its Martyrs, its wounded, and with all these acts of heroism that we saw from the Gaza Strip, stated that Jerusalem is a red line and is upheld with Palestinian blood.”

Muhammad Dahlan

Fatah/Hamas Riot and Rocket War 2021

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