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Ha'aretz on PMW report to members of Congress about PA salaries for terrorists

Natasha Mozgovaya  |
Middle East drama on Capitol Hill

Middle East policy is a hot topic in Washington, from congressmen calling on Obama to adopt a more decisive stance toward Syria to conflicting views on how to solve stalled Palestinian-Israeli talks.
by Natasha Mozgovaya

This summer is much busier than usual in Washington, DC, even without taking the debt ceiling drama into account.

Here are some updates on what is going on in the U.S. capital:


3. Watchdog group presents report showing PA gives prisoners in Israeli prisons monthly salaries

"The Palestinian Media Watch" presented a special report to members of the Republican Israel Caucus at the Congress on Tuesday, titled "Palestinian Authority glorification of terrorists and paying salaries to terrorists with US money".

According to the report, the Palestinian Authority pays monthly salaries to 5,500 prisoners in Israeli prisons, including terrorists - taking the money from its general budget.

Last week, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted two amendments written by Rep. Eliot L. Engel (New York, Democrat), setting forth condition for assistance to the Palestinian Authority. According to the amendment, aid to the PA is to be blocked if they declare independence or seeks UN recognition. It also stipulates that the Palestinian leadership put an end to incitement and prepare its people for peace with Israel.

This was, of course, only the first legislative step - but at the initial committee reading, it was adopted with a 44 to 0 vote, which is in all likelihood indicative of further votes.

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