PA daily denies that the Palestinian Authority agreed to help recapture 6 fugitive Palestinian terrorists
Excerpt of an editorial by the official PA daily
Headline: “These are the questions as of now”
“The Israeli occupation state has a paper whose location is in occupied Jerusalem and its name is the Times of Israel (sic., Times of Israel is a private paper, not a state-run paper). The one who supports it and funds it generously is Jewish American billionaire [Sheldon] Adelson (sic., its co-founder is American billionaire Seth Klarman, not the late Adelson), who is known for his ideological alliance with previous US President Donald Trump, the one who thought up the rotten deal of the century (i.e., Trump’s Middle East peace plan)…
In a most strange fashion – if not suspicious coordination – this paper… found no paper other than the Lebanese paper Al-Akhbar to serve as a source for it for a fabricated Hamas article on Ramallah’s willingness to cooperate with Tel Aviv (!) [parentheses in source] in searching for the six heroic prisoners who dug the freedom tunnel (refers to terrorist prisoners who escaped from Gilboa Prison; see note below -Ed.)! The headline that the Times of Israel paper put on its front page is nearly identical to the headline of the Al-Akhbar paper on the topic! …
The question to be asked here, without spreading any libel, is how this alliance between the paper of the racist and extremist American-Israeli right-wing (sic., Times of Israel is not considered a right-wing paper) and the Lebanese paper Al-Akhbar became possible? The latter claims that it is the paper of the resistance axis! …We think that Hezbollah needs to give us an answer on this question.”