PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs: Israel carries out “premeditated murder” of Palestinian prisoners
Headline: "Reviewed situation of prisoners in the occupation's prisons – Karake demands that Israel's legal and international legitimacy be revoked and that the tragic situation of the detainees be investigated"
"Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Karake, called for the occupation state's legal and international legitimacy to be revoked, since it is not implementing international conventions and laws with regard to treatment of Palestinian prisoners in the occupation's prisons. Karake's statement came as part of his testimony to the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, in Amman, capital of Jordan… Karake said that the Israeli government is not implementing international humanitarian law in the way in which it treats the prisoners, since there are tortures, detention and abuse of minors, a policy of medical neglect, isolation with no time limit, and the prisoners' fundamental rights are withheld from them… Karake noted the instances of premeditated murder in the prisons and the interrogation rooms, and the punishment of family members and children through removal from their homes, or the imposition of house arrest. He demanded that the Committee declare Israel a state [behaving as if] above the law, and that its international and legal legitimacy be revoked, and that it not be dealt with as a member state of the UN since it does not honor the UN Charter or humanitarian and international principles."
"Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Karake, called for the occupation state's legal and international legitimacy to be revoked, since it is not implementing international conventions and laws with regard to treatment of Palestinian prisoners in the occupation's prisons. Karake's statement came as part of his testimony to the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, in Amman, capital of Jordan… Karake said that the Israeli government is not implementing international humanitarian law in the way in which it treats the prisoners, since there are tortures, detention and abuse of minors, a policy of medical neglect, isolation with no time limit, and the prisoners' fundamental rights are withheld from them… Karake noted the instances of premeditated murder in the prisons and the interrogation rooms, and the punishment of family members and children through removal from their homes, or the imposition of house arrest. He demanded that the Committee declare Israel a state [behaving as if] above the law, and that its international and legal legitimacy be revoked, and that it not be dealt with as a member state of the UN since it does not honor the UN Charter or humanitarian and international principles."