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Fatah praises 4th grader for “understanding the lesson” of the terrorists who escaped from Gilboa prison

Image and text posted on the Facebook page of the Fatah Movement – Nablus Branch



Posted text: It is enough that our children have already well understood the lesson of the prisoners

This is how a child in fourth grade answered a question in an Arabic lesson”


The image shows the hand-written answers to an assignment.


Text: “We will write five sentences that begin with the following question words:

Who: Who are the prisoners who escaped from prison? (refers to six terrorist prisoners who escaped from Gilboa Prison; see note below -Ed.)

Schoolbook: How:

Student: How did the prisoners escape from the prison? (With a spoon)

Schoolbook: What:

Student: What happened to the prisoners? (Four were caught)

Schoolbook: Did:

Student: Did they catch the prisoners?

Schoolbook: Where:

Student: Where did the two prisoners go?”


2021 Gilboa Prison escape

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