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Female Martyrs and terrorists are proof of gender equality in Palestinian society - PA minister of women’s affairs


Official PA TV program Palestine This Morning, on Palestinian Women’s Day

PA Minister of Women’s Affairs Amal Hamad: “The first women’s committee was on Oct. 26, 1929, in the shadow of the Al-Buraq Rebellion. The mighty rebellion (i.e., Hebron Massacre, 1929) in which great Martyrs died… The mighty rebellion in which the women were partners in the battle of resolve and defiance, and nine female Martyrs died… We don’t think that there is a difference [between the genders] in Palestinian society. Especially in the battle of the national struggle we emphasize going hand in hand. The proof of this is what I said… There were nine female Martyrs. We speak about Dalal Mughrabi and the Martyrs of the [Fatah] Central Committee. There is a long list and there are also female prisoners in the occupation’s prisons. Therefore, we are going hand in hand [with the men].”

The Al-Buraq Rebellion or the 1929 Arab Riots

Dalal Mughrabi

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