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Abbas honours Fatah terror leaders, granting them "the Star of Honour decoration of the highest order"

Official PA TV News, on a ceremony at the PA presidential office marking 50 years since the deaths of Fatah terror leaders Mamdouh Saidam and Abu Ali Iyad



PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' advisor on Diplomatic Affairs Majdi Al-Khaledi: “We are meeting today [July 29, 2021] on the 50th anniversary of the deaths as Martyrs of the two commanders Mamdouh Saidam and Abu Ali Iyad (i.e., Fatah terror leaders)…


It should be noted that His Honor [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the State of Palestine, has already granted and honored the founding leaders, including Martyr commander Mamdouh Saidam and Martyr commander Abu Ali Iyad, with the Star of Honor decoration of the highest order.”


Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul: “Our meeting today is part of this loyalty to our leadership that has invested great efforts and dedicated its life for the sake of Palestine.”


Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam: We always need to repeat to the people on the street, so that our children will hear it and everyone will hear that the man whom we have respected and known since we were children – His Honor President Mahmoud Abbas – is the one who made the famous statement before the nations and not just in the presence of the Palestinians: ‘If one penny is left in my pocket I will give it to the families of the Martyrs, the prisoners, and the wounded.’



Mahmoud Al-Aloul also serves as Fatah Central Committee member.

Sabri Saidam also serves as Fatah Revolutionary Council Deputy Secretary and is the former PA Minister of Education and Higher Education.

Mamdouh Saidam "Abu Sabri" - former Deputy Commander of Operations for Fatah's Al-Asifa military unit.

Abu Ali Iyad was appointed head of Fatah military operations in 1966 and was responsible for several terror attacks. The attacks included a bombing in the town of Beit Yosef in northern Israel on April 25, 1966 (injuring 3 people), and placing bombs in the town of Margaliot in northern Israel on July 19, 1966. He was killed in 1971 in Jordan by the Jordanian army when it forced Fatah members out of the country.

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