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PLO announces latest terror payments for dead and wounded terrorists, paid via ATMs and money changers

Headline: “Al-Wazir: Payment of the allowances of the families of the Martyrs and the wounded – today”


“Chairwoman of the [PLO] Families of the Martyrs and Wounded Institution Intisar Al-Wazir said that the allowances of the families of the Martyrs and the wounded were paid yesterday, Sunday, [Nov. 7, 2021,] in the northern and southern districts (i.e., the West Bank and Gaza Strip respectively).

Al-Wazir also added in a statement that the transfers in the northern districts will be carried out through postal bank ATM machines, while in the southern districts the transfer will take place through authorized money changers in the Gaza Strip.

She also emphasized that the Palestinian [PA] leadership, and foremost among it [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas, is striving to pay these allowances despite the [PA] government’s economic trouble.

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