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PA Ministry of Education teaches children that Israel does not exist

Images and text posted on the Facebook page of the PA Ministry of Education



Posted text: “Today, [Nov. 16, 2021,] the [PA] Ministry [of Education] marked Palestinian Keffiyeh Day (i.e., Arab headdress) in all the homeland’s schools, which takes place simultaneously with the State of Palestine’s declaration of independence (see note below -Ed.).”


The image shows a man speaking at a podium. Behind him on the left is a poster featuring the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine” in the colors of the Palestinian flag with a keffiyeh pattern overlaid on it.

Text on poster: “My homeland”

Behind the speaker on the right is another poster with the PA map of “Palestine” on it.

Text on poster: “Palestine – the entire land is ours, from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”



Palestinian declaration of independence

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