Prisoners’ Committee in Gaza: Israel poisons and murders Palestinian prisoners
Headline: "Prisoners' Committee emphasizes that Israel is stealing the money and the lives of the prisoners"
"The Prisoners' Committee of the National and Islamic Forces in Gaza condemned the Israeli measures and violations against prisoners in the Ketziot prison in the desert, and the poisoning of 40 prisoners, following the spoiled and [date-] expired food which the Prison Service is serving the prisoners. The Prisoners' Committee said yesterday in a special announcement that Israel seeks to steal the prisoners' money and their lives: On one hand it is privatizing the prisons, forcing the prisoner to live at his personal expense, while on the other hand it is trying to liquidate the prisoners by poisoning them with spoiled food, or through other methods and means, as happened with the prisoner Haitham Salahiyeh, who had poison put in his cup of coffee on Jan. 9, 2011, or through withholding [medical] treatment for prisoners."
"The Prisoners' Committee of the National and Islamic Forces in Gaza condemned the Israeli measures and violations against prisoners in the Ketziot prison in the desert, and the poisoning of 40 prisoners, following the spoiled and [date-] expired food which the Prison Service is serving the prisoners. The Prisoners' Committee said yesterday in a special announcement that Israel seeks to steal the prisoners' money and their lives: On one hand it is privatizing the prisons, forcing the prisoner to live at his personal expense, while on the other hand it is trying to liquidate the prisoners by poisoning them with spoiled food, or through other methods and means, as happened with the prisoner Haitham Salahiyeh, who had poison put in his cup of coffee on Jan. 9, 2011, or through withholding [medical] treatment for prisoners."