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A 14 year old terrorist stabbed an Israeli mother out walking with her young children – PA "debunks" this by saying "it didn't look like" she was hurt

Headline: “The occupation dismantles the protest tent in Sheikh Jarrah and attacks residents in the neighborhood who came out against the settlers

  • Security cameras debunk the occupation’s version, according to which a female settler was attacked in Jerusalem”




“Yesterday evening, Wednesday [Dec. 8, 2021], the occupation’s Jerusalem Municipality dismantled the protest tent in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. As part of this, security camera footage in the neighborhood exposed the falsehood of the version that the occupation is attempting to promote, according to which an extremist female settler was attacked and beaten (sic., a 14-year-old female terrorist stabbed and wounded a 26-year-old Israeli mother; see note below)…

The occupation police announced that a 15-year-old female resident of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood was arrested in a raid on her school, on the claim that she stabbed a female settler…

Yesterday evening a video was published of the settler, who the occupation claimed was seriously wounded by stabbing, returning to her house… and it did not look like she was wounded.

[PA] Presidential Office Advisor on Jerusalem Affairs Ahmed Al-Ruweidi warned against the occupation government’s plans to turn the facts upside down in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood by turning the [Palestinian] homeowners who are in danger of expulsion from their homes, 28 homes in number (refers to illegal Arab squatters; see note below -Ed.), into ‘terrorists,’ and the settlers into ‘victims.’”





Moriah Cohen


The Sheikh Jarrah protests

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