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Abbas calls terrorist, who committed shooting and mortar attacks against Israeli towns, as he is released from prison to "congratulate" and bless him

Video posted on the Facebook page of the Fatah Movement – Northern Gaza Strip Branch




The video shows Islamic Jihad terrorist and released prisoner Hussein Suleiman Al-Zre’i speaking on the phone with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who called to congratulate him on his release.


PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “May Allah grant you health. I appreciate the nation for recognizing the great efforts of you [prisoners]. And we, for our part, my brother Hussein, whatever you want – [PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge] brother [Mahmoud] Al-Habbash is here, and we are prepared to fulfill our duty… we are prepared. May Allah grant you health!”


Released prisoner Hussein Suleiman Al-Zre’i: “May Allah bless you, Your Honor the President. You are the symbol of the existing leadership, and we will remain your loyal soldiers. We are aware of the positions you have held on the prisoners’ cause, and on the cause of the salaries of the Martyrs and prisoners. This is a national position that we are proud of, and we are proud of Your Honor and will remain your loyal soldiers, Allah willing. We are advancing on the path, Allah willing, towards the state and independence. Allah willing, our aspirations of establishing the Palestinian state whose capital is Jerusalem will be realized under your leadership, and we will remain soldiers loyal to you, your leadership, and all the members of the [Fatah] Central Committee. Our struggle is part of the Palestinian people’s struggle and part of the struggle of our [prisoners’] movement, which are fighting and attempting to reach a state through their struggle, and we will continue on this path. This is what Fatah has accustomed us to, [as have] the provisions of the struggle that you have dedicated – You who have advanced us in the struggle. Our (sic., my) struggle, 19 years [in prison], is a tiny part of the deep and great struggle that you have dedicated, Your Honor the President.”


Mahmoud Abbas: “May Allah bless you. It is not a tiny part, it is a great part and an important part, and it is a brick in building the great palace that will certainly come about, without a doubt: the independent Palestinian state. There is no doubt that we will get rid of them and their occupation, and there is no doubt that our flag [will fly above] Jerusalem.”


Hussein Suleiman Al-Zre’i: “With your wise leadership and the mighty spirit of the young people, Allah willing, we will triumph and Fatah will triumph, and we will continue to preserve our national unity... Our prisoners have fought for the sake of freedom and justice for our people. We will remain loyal to our people, and our people is loyal to us. We must unite around our first movement [Fatah] that established and worked to restore the Palestinian cause to the international arena. Your policy has effectively established its roots on the international level, and we support you and will remain your loyal soldiers until the end, Allah willing. The prison gave us more will and endurance towards establishing our goals. And Allah willing we will only get more will and daring to continue the struggle towards achieving the main goal, which is establishing the state whose capital is noble Jerusalem.”


After finishing speaking with Al-Zre’i, Abbas put PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash on the phone to finish the conversation.




Mahmoud Al-Habbash


Hussein Suleiman Al-Zre'i

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