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PA editorial on Abbas-Gantz meeting portrays Palestinians as "always ready for any initiative that will contribute to igniting the peace process" while stating that Israel is the country with a "policy of violence and terror"

Excerpt of an editorial by the official PA daily


Headline: “The policy of national action, not the policy of speeches”




“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas did not go to meet with Israeli Minister [of Defense] Benny Gantz to exchange greetings or pass the time, but rather first of all in order to urge him to create a new opportunity for a potential peace, and in the same context to arrange many unresolved affairs on everything connected to family reunification and the Palestinian tax money (apparently refers to Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct PA terror salaries; see note below -Ed.). Since the first bullet was fired, the Palestinian national struggle has been based on the principle of ‘take and demand,’ which necessitates confronting the enemy through dialogue and negotiations…


There is no doubt that what President Mahmoud Abbas said in his speech for the [57th] anniversary of the Intilaqa (i.e., the anniversary of “the Launch” of Fatah, counted from its first terror attack against Israel) regarding our patience that has run out [is something that] he emphasized to Israeli Minister Gantz. This means that we will not submit to the Israeli policy of violence and terror, and that if this policy will continue, more extensive confrontations are expected for us in the paths of popular resistance (i.e., term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror). Israel must understand this well, and it has no path to security and stability other than siting at the negotiation table to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and achieve a just agreement on the basis of the international institutions’ resolutions…


The most important thing is that President Mahmoud Abbas went to meet with Minister Gantz to prove first and foremost to Israeli society, and also to the entire world, that the Palestinian peace partner is always ready for any initiative that will contribute to igniting the peace process.





Israel's Anti "Pay-for-Slay" Law




Peaceful\popular uprising/resistance

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