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Abbas "salutes the heroes" of Palestiniain terror, and promises that "we will not abandon our Martyrs, prisoners, and fighters"

Headline: “The [PA] president at the opening of the Fatah Revolutionary Council discussions”



“The Fatah Movement Revolutionary Council launched the discussions of its ninth session yesterday [Jan. 3, 2022] at the [PA] presidential headquarters in Ramallah, under the title ‘The session of resolve and determination, the session of popular resistance,’ led by [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas


The president spoke… : ‘We also salute the heroes of the peaceful popular resistance (i.e., term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror) who are standing with their bare bodies in all our cities, our villages, and our refugee camps against the settlers’ terror and their aggression, which are being committed under the auspices of the occupation army.’ …


The president continued: ‘Today we see everyone coming out to participate in this resistance, which proves to the world that the Palestinian right will not be lost. We see old people, children, and women alongside the young people, hurrying to defend this homeland and its land.’ …


The president commented on the economic situation and the financial crisis befalling the State of Palestine. He emphasized: ‘A siege is being imposed on us in order to pressure us, but thanks to our people’s resolve and the crowding of our ranks we are capable of dealing with it, because justice is with us. We will not abandon our Martyrs, prisoners, and fighters.’ …

On the topic of national unity, the president again emphasized willingness to establish a national unity government the moment Hamas agrees to the resolutions of the international institutions.”




Peaceful\popular uprising/resistance

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