Fatah: "Israel is tantamount to a terror den and a pump of terrorists"
Official PA TV program Topic of the Day, on Palestinian riots against Jewish protests opposing the demolition of a Jewish religious studies academy at Homesh, after terrorists murdered Yehuda Dimentman as he was leaving it on Dec. 16, 2021
Official Fatah Spokesman Hussein Hamayel: “The brothers from all the organizational structures came out to Burqa and stood against these settlers, these miserable and cowardly people, who we know well the psychology of their mental state that controls their behavior and thinking, which if it were not for the occupation soldiers who are armed from head to foot, they would be unable to come out from their hotbeds. This is something that everyone knows. As for us, we rely on ourselves first of all… Israel is tantamount to a terror den and a pump of terrorists, and on a daily basis it carries out many actions that will not lead to stability, not in Palestine and not anywhere else.”