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PA Min. of Women’s Affairs glorifies bomb maker as role model, proud of women’s participation in “armed operations”

Official PA TV, filler from the PA Ministry of Women’s Affairs for Palestinian Women’s Day

The screenshot shows PFLP terrorist bomb maker Shadia Abu Ghazaleh on the left with the text: “Shadia Abu Ghazaleh (i.e., bomb maker), female Palestinian fighter.”

Text on right: “In the year of the Naksa (i.e., the Six Day War), 1967, the women participated extensively in the self-sacrificing squads carrying out the armed operations (i.e., terror attacks), transferring weapons, and storing them”
The image shows various Palestinian women.

Text on right: “In the second Intifada the Palestinian women continued on the path of struggle at all levels, such that the women’s movement has provided 540 female Martyrs and more than 16,000 female prisoners until today.”

Captions on logo: “National Women's Day”
“National Palestinian Women's Day
October 26”

Shadia Abu Ghazaleh

The second Intifada

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