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Released terrorist prisoner thanks Abbas for giving released terrorists “military ranks and salaries”

Official PA TV program In Spite of the Handcuffs, hosting released terrorist prisoner Osama Al-Silawi who was involved in the murder of 4

Released terrorist prisoner Osama Al-Silawi: “I greatly thank His Honor [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas for his generous inclusion of the prisoners from before [the 1993] Oslo [Accords]. When we were released, he honored us by giving us military ranks and salaries with which we are living dignified lives.”

Osama Al-Silawi - Palestinian terrorist involved in the murder of Israeli citizen Motti Biton and in the assault of his wife Molly in October 1992. He also participated in the torture and murder of three Palestinians who he suspected of aiding Israel. Al-Silawi was serving four life sentences and another 55 years but was released in December 2013 as one of 104 terrorists whom Israel agreed to release to fulfill the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

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