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"Congratulations on your Martyrdom-death, my son, this is a wedding"

Video and text posted on the Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture


Posted text: “‘Congratulations on [your] Martyrdom-death, my son, this is a wedding’ (i.e., Martyr's funeral is considered wedding to the 72 Virgins in Paradise in Islam)

The mother of Martyr Fadi Washaha, who died of wounds he received two weeks ago during confrontations in El-Bireh (i.e., while participating in violent Arab riots; see note below), bids him farewell.”



The video shows the mother of Fadi Washaha crying and saying: “Congratulations on [your] Martyrdom-death, my son, this is a wedding.” Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor Laila Ghannam is seen with Washaha’s mother.


The words “Martyrdom-death” and “Martyr” have a space in the middle of them, in an apparent attempt to evade Facebook’s algorithm -Ed.

“wounds he received two weeks ago during confrontations in El-Bireh” means while he was participating in violent Arab riots; see note below)




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