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PA human rights violations are "the worst they’ve been in years", says Lawyers for Justice

Headline: "Lawyers for Justice: Human rights in the West Bank are in the worst state they have been in years”



“The Lawyers for Justice group said today, Friday [July 23, 2021], that it has documented more than 100 cases of political arrests that were carried out by the [PA] Security Forces in the West Bank since May [2021].

The group added in a press release that it has documented cases in which detainees were tortured or mistreated during their time in the [PA] Security Forces’ detention centers, and some of these cases were documented during interrogations at the Jericho attorney’s office, without this attorney’s office committing to launch any kind of investigation regarding these claims in accordance with the law.

The group continued: ‘The state of human rights in the West Bank is in the worst deterioration that is has been for years.’

The group condemned ‘the state that affairs have come to after the killing of regime opponent [Nizar] Banat (see note below -Ed.) and the campaign of arrests that preceded this, in which dozens were arrested for realizing freedom of expression following the “Jerusalem Sword” battle (refers to violent Arab riots; see note below -Ed.).’

The group emphasized the bad state of human rights in the cities that are subordinate to the PA’s rule, and explained that ‘this stems from a number of reasons, including the ongoing official discourse of incitement that has been and is being carried out by individuals appointed by the PA.’”



PA critic and activist Nizar Banat died after being violently beaten and arrested by PA Security Forces in Hebron on June 24, 2021.

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