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The "tyrant" Israel will “surely leave defeated!” declares PA daily

Excerpt of an op-ed by Hassan Hmeid, a Palestinian writer from Damascus





“In the clearest way I call to encourage the role of translation, especially translation from Arabic to the world’s languages. This is so that their speakers will know what kind of people the Palestinian people is… and what a precious place the Palestinian homeland is, which was and will remain Palestinian despite the invasions and wars that came one after the other on its land. Bloodthirsty, brutal, and barbaric enormous armies came to it from all around the world and occupied it, but they left while the Palestinian space remained a homeland and home for the Palestinians…

This was the situation of the British, who also left. This image stands today before the eyes of the Israeli tyranny, and this is the thing that most frightens the Israelis, because history is a mirror in which the Israelis see themselves as thieves. They will surely leave defeated!”

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