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Abbas "eulogizes" three Fatah terrorists, "consoling the families of the Martyrs"

Headline: “The [PA] president eulogized the three Nablus Martyrs: We will not allow crimes like these to happen again”



“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas consoled the families of the three Martyrs who were killed by the Israeli occupation forces in Nablus last Tuesday [Feb. 8, 2022] (i.e., Fatah terrorists who were planning an imminent shooting attack; see note below).

The president said: ‘This is a serious incident, these days that Nablus is experiencing after the death of Martyrs Adham [Mabrouka], Muhammad [Al-Dakhil], and Ashraf [Mubaslat] (i.e., the three Fatah terrorists). First, we console ourselves and also console everyone and the families of the Martyrs and the Palestinian people. This is a crime of deliberate murder that the occupation committed against our sons, our young people, and our people.’

The president added: ‘May Allah spread His mercies on them and have them dwell in Paradise. We will not allow crimes such as this, which we cannot be silent about, to happen again.’”




Adham Mabrouka Al-Shishani, Muhammad Al-Dakhil, and Ashraf Mubaslat

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