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PA/Fatah: Terror is the "path to victory," Dead terrorists “are our heroes… who illuminate the path for our people… We all need to be like [them],”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

  • Three killed terrorist “heroes” will be “a curse” for Israel, says Fatah spokesman, calling for “liberation of the land”

Three young terrorists who had carried out several shooting attacks against Israelis and were planning an imminent additional attack were killed in Nablus by Israeli forces earlier this month. Ever since, officials of the Fatah Movement – the leading political party in the PA, run by Mahmoud Abbas - have been busy reconfirming that the terror activities in which the three were engaged constitute the right “path to victory” and that there is “no other option.”

In other words, the top leaders of the PA have been endorsing continued terror against Israel and calling on the Palestinian public to engage in it.

At a memorial event for the three terrorists, Deputy Chairman of the Fatah Commission of Mobilization and Organization Abd Al-Mun’im Hamdan Abu Al-Mundhir stressed that they are “heroes” and that their terrorism is “the path to victory.” He also encouraged other Palestinians to follow in their footsteps, saying: “We all need to be like these [three] young people”:

Deputy Chairman of the Fatah Commission of Mobilization and Organization Abd Al-Mun'im Hamdan Abu Al-Mundhir: “These three heroes (i.e., terrorists) who acted for their principles, goals, and commitments, these three heroes who were always ready, these three heroes who gave the criminal occupation a headache – they are our heroes, as are all our Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded. They are the heroes of our people. They are the symbols of our people’s struggle. They are the ones who illuminate the path for our people. We the Palestinian people, the people of determination and will, are determined to continue their path on the path to victory, Allah willing... We all need to be like these [three] young people. We must not stop our struggle. This is the path to victory, and there is no other option.”

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 10, 2022]

Posting the video above, Fatah wrote that a delegation from the movement “consoled the families of the Martyrs of the national duty,” thereby endorsing their terror attacks as a general obligation.

Palestinian Media Watch exposed that PA and Fatah Chairman Abbas openly called on Palestinians to murder Israelis in response to the incident, and that Fatah vowed to revenge the death of the three.

Speaking at the same memorial event as Abu Al-Mundhir, Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul likewise stressed that these terrorists were “heroes” and that there is no alternative to terror against Israel, or as he put it, “no option other than their option, the option of resistance and the option of the Martyrs.” Abbas’ deputy further stressed the “heroism” of the terrorist shooters and the “pride” felt by “the entire people”:

We have no option other than the option of the Martyrs, the option of resistance, and we call it the option of Adham [Mabrouka], Ashraf [Mubaslat], and Muhammad [Al-Dakhil] (i.e., the three Fatah terrorists)… O Martyrs, your absence leaves a deep wound in us, but the entire people is proud of you, your position, and your heroism. And because you died for the sake of the homeland, you will doubtlessly be alongside the prophets, the Martyrs, and the righteous [in Paradise].”

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 10, 2022]

Also referring to the terrorists as “heroes,” one of Fatah’s spokesmen, Hussein Hamayel, said they would be “a curse” for Israel, implying violence. Calling for “liberation of the land,” he rejected the notion that the PA will act with “restraint”:

Official Fatah Spokesman Hussein Hamayel: “This issue will not pass in silence, we are calling today on behalf of the entire Palestinian people for the necessity of carrying out popular resistance against this occupation, because we are left with no other options but to defend ourselves from this crime… These young people (i.e., terrorists) who ascended to Heaven today will be a curse for this occupation… The American administration or the American Secretary of State spokesperson shouldn’t come to us and say: “We hope for restraint” …

These three heroes are lofty in their graves, their pastures, their homes. Their souls are lofty. They will accompany us in liberating the land and the Muslims from this occupation… I tell you, despite this blood, victory is near… Allah willing we will walk with our heads held high and liberate our land and the Muslims from this occupation.”

[Official PA TV, Feb. 8, 2022]

A poster prepared by Fatah glorifies the three terrorists, one holding an assault rifle, and expresses the movement’s “pride” in them:

Text on poster: “‘And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision’ [Quran 3:169, Sahih International translation]

The Palestinian National Liberation Movement – ‘Fatah,’ Nablus district, proudly and in glory accompanies its heroic Martyr commanders to Heaven

[Official PA TV News, Feb. 9, 2022]

In honor of the three terrorists killed by Israel, Fatah also posted a song praising three murderers from 1929:

Lyrics: “There were three men who competed among themselves over death. Their feet rose above the neck of the hangman, and they became role models.”

[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Feb. 8, 2022]

Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam, who is also one of Abbas’ advisors, likewise spoke at a memorial event and posted praise for the terrorists:

Posted text: “In Nablus together with the beloved ones, we again emphasize the message of the heroes:
Dip your pen in my blood and write the last will from my mouth
Write to all the men, O my brothers, O my consolers
I left you with my last will, this is the message of our generation
You are the symbol of the dawn, you are the end of our night
I have already died, but complete [my path] and hold on, hold on
#Nablus #The_heroes”

[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam, Feb. 10, 2022]

Other Fatah Central Committee members also visited to console the relatives of the dead terrorists, among them Abbas Zaki and Tawfiq Tirawi. (See below)

PMW reported on the PA’s twisted ideal mother as exemplified in the official PA daily’s report on the funeral of the three terrorists and their mothers’ behavior there.

Adham Mabrouka Al-Shishani, Muhammad Al-Dakhil, and Ashraf Mubaslat

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:

Fatah’s posted text with video of speech by Deputy Chairman of the Fatah Commission of Mobilization and Organization Abd Al-Mun'im Hamdan Abu Al-Mundhir: “A delegation from the [Fatah] Commission of Mobilization and Organization consoled the families of the Martyrs of the national duty, members of the Fatah Movement in Nablus. Deputy Chairman of the Commission Abd Al-Mun'im Hamdan Abu Al-Mundhir gave a speech in which he praised the Martyrs and their struggle against the occupation, and he asked Allah to have them dwell [in Paradise] together with the prophets and the righteous. He expressed his appreciation to the Martyrs’ relatives and congratulated them on the deaths as Martyrs of their sons for the sake of the homeland and their people’s freedom.”

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 10, 2022]

Posted text: “From the speech of Fatah Movement Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul ‘Abu Jihad’ at the house of consolation of the Nablus Martyrs (refers to three assassinated Fatah terrorists who were planning an imminent shooting attack; see note below -Ed.): ‘The entire Palestinian people from every inch of the beloved land of Palestine, from the north to the south, felt this great and unusual pain that struck us as a result of the ascent [to Heaven] of these heroic young people as Martyrs among their Lord. No one left us any option, other than their option, the option of resistance and the option of the Martyrs, [the option] to act against these ongoing crimes against our sons and to act against the daily attacks against the land, the trees, the stones, and the holy sites – these crimes that cannot be passed over in silence.

The last picture of the heroes was of them carrying the picture of hero Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 7).

We have no option other than the option of the Martyrs, the option of resistance, and we call it the option of Adham [Mabrouka], Ashraf [Mubaslat], and Muhammad [Al-Dakhil] (i.e., the three Fatah terrorists).

The reality that we are living in today that strikes us and our rights must end. O Martyrs, your absence leaves a deep wound in us, but the entire people is proud of you, your position, and your heroism. And because you died for the sake of the homeland, you will doubtlessly be alongside the prophets, the Martyrs, and the righteous [in Paradise].’”

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 10, 2022]

Official PA TV News, on strikes and marches over the killing of three Fatah terrorists

Official PA TV newsreader: “A mass procession took place in which residents of the Jenin district participated, which expressed anger and revulsion over the wild crime that the occupation committed in Nablus, during which it cold-bloodedly executed three young people in broad daylight.”

[Official PA TV News, Feb. 9, 2022]

Posted text: “In Nablus together with the beloved ones, we again emphasize the message of the heroes (refers to three assassinated Fatah terrorists who were planning an imminent shooting attack; see note below -Ed.):
Dip your pen in my blood and write the last will from my mouth
Write to all the men, O my brothers, O my consolers
I left you with my last will, this is the message of our generation
You are the symbol of the dawn, you are the end of our night
I have already died, but complete [my path] and hold on, hold on
#Nablus #The_heroes”

[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam, Feb. 10, 2022]

Sabri Saidam

Headline: “The [PA] president eulogized the three Nablus Martyrs: We will not allow crimes like these to happen again”

“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas consoled the families of the three Martyrs who were killed by the Israeli occupation forces in Nablus last Tuesday [Feb. 8, 2022] (i.e., Fatah terrorists who were planning an imminent shooting attack; see note below).

The president said: ‘This is a serious incident, these days that Nablus is experiencing after the death of Martyrs Adham [Mabrouka], Muhammad [Al-Dakhil], and Ashraf [Mubaslat] (i.e., the three Fatah terrorists). First, we console ourselves and also console everyone and the families of the Martyrs and the Palestinian people. This is a crime of deliberate murder that the occupation committed against our sons, our young people, and our people.’

The president added: ‘May Allah spread His mercies on them and have them dwell in Paradise. We will not allow crimes such as this, which we cannot be silent about, to happen again.’”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 11, 2022]

The images show Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi at an event for the three Fatah terrorists.

Posted text: “Fatah Movement Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi consoled the families of the Martyrs of the homeland, the Martyrs of the Nablus district and Nablus, who were murdered yesterday (sic., two days ago) [Feb. 8, 2022] during a raid by the occupation’s forces of treachery into Nablus – heroic Martyr Adham Mabrouka, heroic Martyr Muhammad Al-Dakhil, and heroic Martyr Ashraf Mubaslat (i.e., Fatah terrorists who were planning an imminent shooting attack). Praise and eternity to the righteous Martyrs.”

[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi, Feb. 10, 2022]

Tawfiq Tirawi

The images show Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki at an event for the three Fatah terrorists.

Posted text: “Nablus – [Fatah Central Committee member] Abbas Zaki consoles the families of the three Martyrs who were murdered by the occupation forces two days ago [Feb. 8, 2022] (refers to Fatah terrorists who were planning an imminent shooting attack; see note below -Ed.).”

[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Feb. 10, 2022]

Abbas Zaki

Official Fatah Spokesman Hussein Hamayel: “This issue will not pass in silence, we are calling today on behalf of the entire Palestinian people for the necessity of carrying out popular resistance against this occupation, because we are left with no other options but to defend ourselves from this crime… These young people (i.e., terrorists) who ascended to Heaven today will be a curse for this occupation… The American administration or the American Secretary of State spokesperson shouldn’t come to us and say: “We hope for restraint” …

These three heroes are lofty in their graves, their pastures, their homes. Their souls are lofty. They will accompany us in liberating the land and the Muslims from this occupation… I tell you, despite this blood, victory is near… Allah willing we will walk with our heads held high and liberate our land and the Muslims from this occupation.”

[Official PA TV, Feb. 8, 2022]

Muhammad Jamjoum, Fuad Hijazi, and Ataa Al-Zir

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