Young Palestinian child is stood behind mock prison bars to teach him to "identify with Palestinian prisoners in his unique and brave way"
Video and text posted on the Facebook page of “the Lion Cubs and Flowers Institution” – the Fatah Youth Institution for Young Boys and Girls – Nablus Branch
Posted text: “Lion cub (i.e., young boy) #Hamza_Al-Habash
Identifies with the prisoners in his unique and brave way
O hero, a free and brave future is expected for you”
The child Hamza Al-Habash is seen standing behind mock prison bars; on the bars are signs.
Text on signs: “Nafha Prison”
“Ketziot Prison”
“Megiddo Prison”
“Ofer Prison”
Hamza Al-Habash: “Hello, I am Hamza Al-Habash. I want to dedicate this activity to the Palestinian prisoners
(Al-Habash begins to sing -Ed.)
O darkness of the prison, prevail! For we like the darkness
After the night the dawn of glory will yet break through and rise
Freedom to our heroic prisoners
Freedom to our heroic prisoners
Freedom to our heroic prisoners”