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PA police who fired at Israeli soldiers are "heroes" whose "pure blood watered the land with resistance, self-sacrifice, and heroic martyrdom"

Text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page


Posted text: “[Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee member Mahmoud] Al-Aloul: The blood of the Jenin Martyrs imposes a duty upon us to continue the path of struggle and resistance



Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul ‘Abu Jihad’ sent a blessing of pride, appreciation, and honor to the Martyrs of the Palestinian [PA] security establishment who died as Martyrs today [June 10, 2021] in the early morning hours in the Jenin district, during a heroic confrontation with the Israeli forces who attempted to carry out aggression against the district (sic., the PA officers opened fire on Israeli undercover forces as they apprehended wanted terrorists; see note below).

In a press release, Al-Aloul said: We salute this pure blood that watered the land of Jenin with resistance, self-sacrifice, and heroism, the blood of Martyrs Adham Aliwi and Tayseer Ayaseh, members of the [PA] military intelligence and the Palestinian security establishment, and the blood of Martyr Jamil Al-Amouri (i.e., wanted Islamic Jihad terrorist), who responded to the call of duty and stood against the occupation forces while defending our people, our land, and our honor.

He emphasized that the ideology of struggle that the members of the Palestinian military establishment were educated on is a continuation of the path of the self-sacrificing fighters at Eilabun (refers to the Israeli National Water Carrier bombing; see note below -Ed.), Al-Karameh (see note below -Ed.), the battles of Beirut, the first Intifada (i.e., Palestinian wave of violence and terror against Israel, approximately 200 Israelis murdered, 1987-1993), and the Al-Aqsa Intifada (i.e., PA terror campaign 2000-2005, more than 1,100 Israelis murdered), and it is the same ideology that is adhered to by the members of our sovereign forces for the sake of the freedom of the homeland and the liberation of our land from the occupation and from its settler herds.

Al-Aloul added: We are all proud of our people’s daily confrontations and the escalating resistance, whether it is what the military, security, and police establishment is doing, or the acts of heroism that our people are recording in the Sheikh Jarrah [neighborhood of Jerusalem], Silwan, Batn Al-Hawa, Jabal Sbeih, Jabal Al-‘Arma, Beit Dajan, the occupied Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel), whose people are being subjected to a fierce racist attack today by the extremist right-wing government in Israel, and in all arenas of the open confrontation with the occupation (refers to violent Arab riots; see note below -Ed.).

Al-Aloul said: As long as there is an occupation, resistance is a right and an obligation, and as long as there is an invasion of our cities, our villages, and our refugee camps, it is our right to defend our people.”




Jamil Al-Amouri, Wisam Abu Zaid, Adham Yasser Aliwi, and Tayseer Mahmoud Ayaseh

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