PLO: Israel has an "aggressive and Nazi nature, whose origin is the Zionist racism that is based on hating the other"
Headline: “The PLO Human Rights Department condemns the crime committed by the occupation at the Jenin refugee camp”
“The PLO Human Rights and Civil Society Department condemned the crime committed by the occupation forces at the Jenin refugee camp, which caused the deaths as Martyrs of Abdallah Al-Hasri, 22, and Shadi Khaled Najm, 18 (i.e., armed terrorists who opened fire on Israeli forces).
The department said in a statement yesterday [March 1, 2022]: ‘The occupation’s special forces that entered the Jenin refugee camp in the early morning hours yesterday opened indiscriminate fire in the refugee camp’s streets in order to kill and summarily execute (sic., terrorists opened fire on the forces, at which point they returned fire). As a result of this, the two aforementioned young people died as Martyrs, and in addition residents were wounded by live fire.’
The department emphasized: ‘This recurring and incessant crime in various areas of the occupied territories only proves the aggressive and Nazi nature of this occupation, whose origin is in the Zionist racism that is based on hating the other and allowing their killing only for the sake of killing and [satiating their] blood thirst.’”
Abdallah Al-Hasri and Shadi Khaled Najm – Palestinian terrorists aged 22 and 18 respectively who opened fire on Israeli security forces in the Jenin refugee camp on March 1, 2022, while the forces were rearresting released terrorist Imad Abu Al-Hija, the son of senior Hamas terrorist prisoner Jamal Abu Al-Hija who is serving 9 life sentences for his role in the murder of 9. Al-Hasri and Najm were killed in the ensuing exchange of fire.