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PA names new square and monument in Jenin after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi

Headline: “Establishing a square named after Martyr Dalal Mughrabi in Jenin”


“The construction and decoration of a square named after Martyr Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led the murder of 37 people, 12 of them children) was completed today [Oct. 2, 2020] in the city [of Jenin], which was carried out by the [former PLO Chairman and PA President] Martyr Yasser Arafat branch of the Fatah Movement in partnership with the municipality and the Al-Takaful insurance company.

[Jenin] Mayor Fayez Al-Sa’adi emphasized that this monument comes to immortalize the memory of the heroic Martyr who carried out a daring self-sacrificing operation (i.e., terror attack) and watered the pure land of Palestine with her blood so that its memory would remain alive in the memory of the generations. He also emphasized the adherence to the path of the Martyrs who we will not forget, and our people will not abandon their blood.”



Dalal Mughrabi

Yasser Arafat

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