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Israeli Arab MP “blesses” violent Israeli Arab rioters, calling them "noble young heroes"

Video and text posted on the Facebook page of Israeli Arab Parliament Member Ayman Odeh


Posted text: Blessings to the young heroes, blessings to those currently detained in a number of communities (refers to violent Israeli Arab rioters who were arrested -Ed.). Indeed, we are part of the [Palestinian] people and part of the cause, and it is our obligation to fulfill our national obligation with heads held high. At the same time, I will tell you honestly that I feel great concern for our young people in the mixed [Jewish-Arab] cities, and for our students in the student dorms, and everywhere there is friction between Arabs and Jews, because there are wanton [Jewish] extremists who open fire on our people, and they may commit even more dangerous criminal acts. I share this concern with you and ask everyone to be careful.

Therefore, I ask that the protest activities be done in coordination with our collective organizations, and not privately or in groups that act alone.We must convey our message with strength and intelligently, and not spontaneously.

I am also now launching an inbox so that everyone who needs us to stand by their side will send me messages, so that we will stand together and defend our young people and the members of our society in these difficult days.

Blessings to the demonstrators today. Our people will continue to have a noble position against the oppressor, with dignity and responsibility.”



Israeli Arab Parliament Member Ayman Odeh: “Our precious people, and especially the precious young people – it is now after 1:00 a.m. We are [next to] the Haifa police station, and there are dozens of detained young people (refers to violent Israeli Arab rioters -Ed.), good guys, heroes who are worthy of appreciation from all our people. And now we are hearing about a continuation of the confrontations in a number of communities. I want to tell you two things: One, we are proud of this affiliation, we are part of the Palestinian Arab people and this people’s cause. And it is our obligation to come out to the streets and sound the noble shout, this precious shout – and we must continue. The second thing is I want to express concern. I have great concern regarding the racist feelings against our people and against the young people. I am concerned about the students in the student dormitories, in the universities. I am concerned about the Arabs in the mixed [Jewish-Arab] cities. I am concerned about all friction between Arabs and Jews. This matter is no longer confined to relations between the so-called [Israeli] ‘security’ forces and the Arab citizens. It has already become a group of fascist settler bullies who have handguns. They have rifles, and they are prepared to open fire on our young people. This is the matter that I am greatly warning about.

And forgive me if I say first of all: Let us continue the struggle in a noble manner, but collectively, in coordination with The [High] Follow-Up Committee [for Arab Citizens of Israel] (i.e., an extra-parliamentary umbrella organization that represents Arab citizens of Israel), with the political parties, with the political organizations. Let the issue be organized so that we will let out a noble shout and protect our young people at the same time.

Another matter – I have internal mail, an inbox on Facebook, and I will launch it now. Anyone who has a problem, anyone who feels that he is being persecuted, that he may be subject to danger from wanton settlers or racists, please send me [a message], because it is our obligation to take care [of people] in order to participate in defending the young people and our people.”

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