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“Strong red blood” will achieve victory – PA Mother’s Day message

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

What do ideal Palestinian mothers teach their children?

  • “That victory is not achieved through words and slogans but through strong red blood”

  • “That the land won’t be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons”

Celebrating Palestinian Mother’s Day on March 21, the PA stressed its Martyrdom worship ideology that Palestinian Media Watch has documented. The PA reiterated that dying for “Palestine” – offering the “strong red blood… of its sons,” is good, desired, and even expected of Palestinians.

Greeting all Palestinian mothers, using one of its TV hosts as messenger, the PA highlighted specifically the mothers of “Martyrs.” “Martyr” (Shahid) is the exalted Islamic status the PA ascribes to any terrorist who died while attacking Israelis, and therefore the mothers of such terrorists are special to the PA. In fact, these mothers are “the most beautiful” and “the most exalted”!


  • Because “they taught their children that victory is not achieved through words and slogans but through strong red blood”


  • Because “they taught their children that the land will not be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons”

Official PA TV host: “Good evening. The most sacred mothers are the Martyrs’ mothers. They are the most beautiful mothers because they taught their children that victory is not achieved through words and slogans but through strong red blood. They are the most exalted mothers because they taught their children that the land will not be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons. If mothers are a school for preparing the generations, then the Martyrs’ mothers are a special school that brings up heroes who honor their nation and their homeland… Mother’s Day greetings to all the mothers and to the Martyrs’ mothers. Wishing you all the best.”

 [Official PA TV, Special Interview, March 21, 2022]

While messages such as these may seem utterly inappropriate for Mother’s Day elsewhere, in the PA they are the norm. Recently, PMW documented additional examples of the PA’s twisted ideal mother, showing that mothers are expected to gladly give their sons for “Palestine” - “Behind every Martyr there’s a mighty mother!”

On Mother’s Day, Abbas’ Fatah Movement also emphasized Palestinian women’s involvement in and support for terror as a key aspect of Palestinian motherhood. In a greeting to all Palestinian mothers, Fatah said they are “an example of the deepest resistance” – a PA euphemism for terror - and stressed their roles as terrorists alongside the men:

“The Palestinian mothers are a symbol of resolve and remaining on the land of Palestine, and they are… the female Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded, and simultaneously they are also the mothers of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded… the Palestinian mothers have achieved their status in society through the struggle, [and] through leading the resistance against the Israeli occupation.”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 21, 2022]

In a greeting to Palestinian women, Ramallah District Governor Laila Ghannam - one of the few women in a senior PA position - stayed true to PA ideology and stressed the Palestinian woman’s role as “a fighting rebel” and illustrated her words with an example- Dalal Mughrabi. Of all possible female role models, Ghannam chose the terrorist who led the murder of 37 Israelis, 12 of them children:

Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor Laila Ghannam: “The mother is the foundation, she is the education, she is the school… From the beginning, the Palestinian woman was a fighting rebel. She was Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children). In the PLO and in the revolution there were and still are women. She was a Martyr, she was a prisoner, and she was the central figure in the house in the shadow of the man’s absence – her husband was a Martyr, prisoner, wounded, or wanted, and she always stood firm with her head high.”

[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, March 21, 2022]

Earlier this month, the PA celebrated International Women’s Day, and here too, the preferred role models and “heroic” women were terrorists and murderers like Mughrabi, who led killing of 37, Black September member and plane hijacker Theresa Halsa, bomb maker Shadia Abu Ghazaleh, and even suicide bombers like Reem Riyashi (murdered 4), Fatima Al-Najjar (wounded 3), and Ayyat Al-Akhras (murdered 2).

PMW has exposed Ghannam as a supporter of violence and terror against Israel. After Philadelphia Councilwoman Maria Sánchez awarded Ghannam with an honorary reward in 2015, PMW documented Ghannam’s long record of terror support and glorification of terrorist murderers, which led Councilwoman Sánchez to withdraw the award.

The following are longer excerpts of the texts cited above:

Headline: “Fatah: The Palestinian mothers are an example of resistance and giving”

“The Fatah Movement sent a blessing of appreciation and honor to the lauded Palestinian mothers, who for more than 100 years of the Palestinian national struggle have served as an example of the deepest resistance.

In a statement from the [Fatah] Commission of Information and Culture for Mother’s Day, Fatah said that the Palestinian mothers are a symbol of resolve and remaining on the land of Palestine, and that they are… the female Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded, and simultaneously they are also the mothers of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded

Fatah promised the Palestinian mothers that it will continue to stand alongside them until they receive their full legal rights to equality and are partners in the decision-making [process]. It noted that the Palestinian mothers have achieved their status in society through the struggle, through leading the resistance against the Israeli occupation, and through their role in taking care of and raising the generations that are armed with knowledge and Palestinian nationalism.”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 21, 2022]

Posted text: “Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor Dr. Laila Ghannam sends greeting cards to Palestinian women for Mother’s Day”


Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor Laila Ghannam: “The mother is the foundation, she is the education, she is the school… From the beginning, the Palestinian woman was a fighting rebel. She was Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children). In the PLO and in the revolution there were and still are women. She was a Martyr, she was a prisoner, and she was the central figure in the house in the shadow of the man’s absence – her husband was a Martyr, prisoner, wounded, or wanted, and she always stood firm with her head high.”

[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, March 21, 2022]

Dalal Mughrabi

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