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PA lies: "Israel's goal is to escalate the situation in the arena of confrontation and bring it to the point of a cycle of violence"

Headline: “The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Israel is deliberately leading towards an escalation, while it deceptively calls for calm”





“The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates demanded that all the states not be dragged after the misleading Israeli propaganda about calming [the situation], and to hold the occupation government responsible for the escalation.


In a statement today, Thursday, [March 31, 2022], the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the goal of the Israeli plans is to escalate the situation in the arena of confrontation and to bring it to the point of a cycle of violence, in order to serve the occupation’s interests and its colonialist plots of expansion on the land of the State of Palestine.


It added that this proves that the Israeli calls for calm… are deceitful and constitute an attempt to deceive and to hold the Palestinians responsible in advance for the escalation that the occupation government and its various arms are implementing against all our people, especially in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, as the [Muslim fasting] month of Ramadan is about to begin.


The ministry condemned the occupation’s crimes in Jenin and Bethlehem, in which Sanad Abu Atiya, 17, Yazid Al-Sa’adi, 23 (i.e., terrorists, shot at Israeli soldiers), and Nidal Ja’afreh, 30 (i.e., terrorist, stabbed and wounded 1 person), died as Martyrs…


The ministry also condemned the Israeli escalation that came as a result of the settlers’ unruly behavior and barbaric attacks against the Palestinian residents, their land, their property, their homes, their produce, their trees, and their holy sites, including [Israeli Parliament Member Itamar] Ben Gvir breaking into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque plazas (refers to Ben Gvir visiting the Temple Mount on March 31, 2022 -Ed.) and the imposition of limitations preventing the arrival of [Palestinian Muslim] civilians to the Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray during the month of Ramadan.


It said that the demand by [Israeli] occupation Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his [Israeli] Minister of Public Security [Omer Barlev] that Israeli civilians carry weapons is most clear official incitement to violence and murder…


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the Israeli government fully and directly responsible for the deliberate escalation and the violations and crimes against our people that will come as a result of it. It warned against its dangers and its catastrophic consequences.






Sanad Abu Atiya and Yazid Al-Sa’adi


Nidal Ja’afreh

The PA and its leaders misrepresent all of the Temple Mount as an integral part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Therefore, they vilify any presence of Jews on the mount as a "break-in." It should be noted that Jews who visit the Temple Mount only enter some sections of the open areas, and do not enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock. Israeli police ban Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount because of threats of violence by Palestinians.

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