Fatah brags about its “heroic operation,” in which 3 Israelis were murdered on a bus full of working mothers
Video and text posted on the Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture
Posted text: “Today, March 7 [2021], is the 33rd anniversary of the heroic operation (i.e., terror attack) in Dimona that led to the death of three Israeli officers and a female settler (sic., 3 Israeli civilians were murdered in the Mothers’ Bus attack). This followed precise planning and preparation by the Fatah Movement and the leadership of the Palestinian revolution.
The [Fatah] Commission of Information and Culture”
Images from the Mothers’ Bus attack are shown.
Text on screen: “On March 7, 1988, a self-sacrificing squad belonging to Fatah carried out the Dimona operation, in which an Israeli bus that was transporting laborers and workers to the Israeli nuclear center was hijacked. The self-sacrificing fighters sought to release the Palestinians whom Israel had arrested during the [first] Intifada(i.e., Palestinian wave of violence and terror against Israel, approximately 200 Israelis murdered, 1987-1993), but the occupation forces attempted to attack the bus and the self-sacrificing fighters died as Martyrs and killed three Israeli officers and a woman (sic.).”