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PA Daily calls on the Palestinian public to help shelter fugitive terrorist prisoners, "the heroes of the Gilboa Prison tunnel"

Excerpt of a column by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for official PA daily and former advisor to former PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on national affairs


Headline: “How to protect the tunnel heroes





The heroes of the Gilboa Prison tunnel (refers to 6 terrorist prisoners including Zakariya Zubeidi who escaped from prison -Ed.), who breathed the air of freedom in the early morning hours of Monday, Sept. 6 [2021], urgently need support and aid by every Palestinian patriot who is interested in protecting the heroes of glory… against the Israeli security forces, which were deployed throughout the entire occupied homeland, and especially in the West Bank…

All of us, without exception, must:


1. Give each one of them absolute support if they knock on the door of any home in order to ask for shelter against the Zionist colonialists’ night patrols, or if they need means of transportation, clothing, food, water, or medicine.


2. Don't chatter about them, their location, or any piece of information about them to anyone…



9. If anyone of our people – a woman, child, or man – is summoned to a meeting with the intelligence officers of the Israeli intelligence, and if anyone who is connected to the heroes is arrested, we all must refuse to speak about [the heroes] on principle and must not provide any piece of information, as insignificant as it may be.”






2021 Gilboa Prison escape

Zakariya Zubeidi

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