Following PA statehood bid at UN: PA maps still show “Palestine” to include all of Israel
PA maps still show "Palestine" - the requested state - to include all of Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The day after PA Chairman Abbas delivered the Palestinian Authority's request for statehood to the UN, PA TV, which is controlled directly by Abbas' office, broadcast a map that erases Israel and envisions Palestinian sovereignty over all of Israel.
The map includes both the PA areas and all of Israel (excluding the Golan Heights) wrapped in the Palestinian flag - a symbol of Palestinian sovereignty over the whole area - and has a key through it, symbolizing ownership.
Text right: "Expelled"
Text left: "Resolve"
Text bottom: "Right to return"
Abbas claims to recognize Israel and its right to exist, and to be requesting a Palestinian state based on 1967 ceasefire lines, living side by side with Israel. The maps of "Palestine" publicized in Abbas' official PA media do not corroborate Abbas' statements.
The following are other examples of maps of "Palestine" including Israel that were published in the official PA media in the days after the PA statehood bid at the UN.
PA TV filler showing map of "Palestine" including PA areas as well as all of Israel. The following Israeli cities are presented as Palestinian: Acre, Haifa, Beit Shean, Be'er Sheva, Ramle, Safed, Tiberias, Nazareth, Jaffa and Lod.
Map of PA areas and all of Israel that forms the word "HERE." It completes the text on the side and bottom, reading:
and we have one goal, one, one - to be, and we will be."
The word "HERE" specifically refers to all of Israel. Abbas quoted this statement by the poet Mahmoud Darwish in his speech requesting PA statehood at the UN. His official daily then made clear that
"HERE" refers to all of Israel.
Plaque with a map including the PA areas and all of Israel (excluding the Golan Heights), awarded by the Palestinian Embassy in Syria to outstanding Palestinian students living in Syria. The plaques were shown as part of a PA TV News broadcast.
The opening ceremony of the final game of basketball tournament at the Sport Club "Sariyat Ramallah" featured a huge map of "Palestine" that includes all of Israel. Present at the ceremony were Jibril Rajoub, Member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council and Head of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and Laila Ghannam, District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh. Both PA TV and the official PA daily reported on the opening, showing the map.
Lock in the shape of map including PA areas as well as all of Israel.
Text on top lock: "[the Arab] Weakness".
Text on bottom lock: "Occupation"
Map of PA areas and all of Israel shown in a Nablus rally, supporting statehood bid campaign. "194" refers to the PA aspiration of becoming the 194th state in the UN.