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PA honours female terrorists, including suicide bombers, stabbers, and mass-murderers, for Mother's Day

Official PA TV filler



The screenshot shows released prisoner Khalida Jarrar, a senior member of the PFLP terror organization, apparently at the grave of her daughter Suha who died of a heart attack.

Text on screen: “Released prisoner Khalida Jarrar”



The screenshot shows the mother of terrorist prisoner Yasser Dhiab Hamdouni, who participated in the murder of an Israeli civilian and later died in prison, helping to carry his body that is wrapped in a keffiyeh (Arab headdress) and Palestinian flag, as is customary at funerals of terrorist “Martyrs.”

Text on screen: “The mother who bears her suffering with patience – Um Yasser Hamdouni”


Text on screen: “On Mother’s Day, we send greetings to the mothers who are bearing their suffering with patience due to the separation from their offspring”



The screenshot shows Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, the mother of terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders.

Text on screen: “The mother who bears her suffering with patience – Um Nasser Abu Hmeid”



The screenshot shows the mother of “Martyr” Ziyad Al-Amer – PMW was unable to determine the nature of his death.

Mother of Ziyad Al-Amer: “They are the legend and they are the ones who raised up the heads of everyone everywhere. By Allah, they were not wretched people.”


Text on screen: “The mother who bears her suffering with patience – the mother of Martyr Ziyad Al-Amer”



Video is shown of the mothers of the following “Martyrs”: Hamza Zamaarah, who stabbed and wounded an Israeli security guard; Iyad Al-Hallaq, a mentally disabled Arab resident of Jerusalem who fled when Israeli border police officers asked him to stop on suspicions he was armed with a handgun, causing them to open fire and kill him at the Lions’ Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City on May 31, 2020; an Adham Aliwi, a PA military intelligence officer who opened fire on Israeli security forces involved in apprehending terrorists.



The screenshot shows a mother next to the body of her “Martyr” son.

Text on screen: “To all our mothers who gave that which is most precious to them for the sake of the homeland”



The screenshot shows the mother of terrorist prisoner Majed Ziyada, who was involved in numerous shooting attacks during the PA's terror campaign, the second Intifada, 2000-2005. He was arrested in 2002 and sentenced to 30 years that were later reduced to 20 years. He was released in 2022.

Text on screen: “May her memory be a blessing, she who bore her suffering with patience – the mother of prisoner Majed Ziyada”


Text on screen: “Our mothers who never got tired of the journeys to visit [their sons] in the occupation’s prisons”


Video is shown of the mothers of the following terrorist prisoners: Karim Younes, who murdered 1 person together with an accomplice; Nasser Abu Sorour, who was involved in the murder of 1; Mahmoud Ardah, an Islamic Jihad terrorist involved in numerous attacks; Diya Al-Agha, who murdered 1 person; Samer Al-Issawi, who was involved in numerous attacks; and Iyad Hreibat, who is serving a life sentence.


Text on screen: “Our mothers who bid farewell to life without being able to embrace their prisoner sons”



The screenshot shows the mother of terrorist prisoner Ali Abd Al-Latif Sayes, who was involved in an attempted suicide bombing.

Text on screen: “May her memory be a blessing, she who bore her suffering with patience – the mother of prisoner Ali [Sayes] ‘Al-Qneiri’”


Names are displayed of mothers of the following terrorist prisoners and dead terrorist “Martyrs”: Mahmoud Jabarin – PMW was unable to determine the nature of his crimes; Rushdi Abu Mukh, who was involved in the murder of 1 person; and Ashraf Nawfal, who was involved in multiple shooting attacks and sentenced to life.



The screenshot shows terrorist prisoner Israa Ja’abis, who wounded an Israeli police officer and herself by detonating a bomb.

Text on screen: “Our mothers who have sacrificed and given from their lives for the sake of the homeland”


Images are shown of female terrorist prisoners and released prisoners including Khitam Al-Sa’afin, head of a PFLP affiliated terror organization, and Iman Al-A’war from Jerusalem, who transferred money for the Hamas terror organization.



The screenshot shows terrorist Mai Afaneh, who wounded 1, with her daughter.

Text on screen: “Martyr mother Mai Afaneh”


Text on screen: “Our mothers who sacrificed their souls and became moons in the skies of Palestine”




The screenshot shows Aisha Al-Rabi, who was killed when rocks were thrown at her car – see note below.



Text on screen: “Our mothers who became [mothers] in spite of the occupier through liberated sperm (i.e., sperm smuggled out of prison by terrorist prisoners)”



Images are shown of women who bore children from sperm smuggled out of prison by terrorist prisoners, including the wife of terrorist prisoner Abd Al-Karim Al-Rimawi, a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing) – PMW was unable to determine the details of his crimes, and the wife of Walid Daqqa, who was involved in the murder of 1.



Text on screen: “This video did not note all the stories of heroism of our mothers, and thousands of minutes would not be enough to show the heroism of Palestinian mothers who created the history of the land, and they are still spinning the threads of freedom and bequeathing the love of Palestine to the children until the last breath”





Khalida Jarrar


Yasser Dhiab Hamdouni


Um Nasser Abu Hmeid


Hamza Zamaarah – Palestinian terrorist who stabbed and wounded an Israeli security guard at the entrance to Karmei Tzur near Hebron on Feb. 7, 2018. Zamaarah was shot and killed during the attack by another security guard.


Jamil Al-Amouri, Wisam Abu Zaid, Adham Yasser Aliwi, and Tayseer Mahmoud Ayaseh


Karim Younes


Mahmoud and Nasser Abu Sorour


Mahmoud Ardah - Islamic Jihad terrorist who was involved in numerous attacks. Ardah was sentenced to life and another 15 years. Ardah was one of 6 terrorist prisoners who escaped from Israel's Gilboa Prison on Sept. 6, 2021; he was recaptured after 5 days. The website of Islamic Jihad’s military wing defined him as the "commander" of the prison escape.


Diya Zakariya Shaker Al-Agha "Al-Faluji"


Samer Al-Issawi - Palestinian terrorist and member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine DFLP. He attempted murder by manufacturing and distributing explosives and shooting at civilian vehicles in 2002. Al-Issawi was serving 26 years in prison, but was released in October 2011 as part of the Shalit prisoner exchange deal between the Israeli government and Hamas. In that deal, Israel released 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who had been held hostage by Hamas for more than 5 years. Al-Issawi was re-arrested in 2012 for violating the conditions of his release. He was released again in December 2013. In May 2015, his original prison sentence was reinstated and he was re-imprisoned.


Iyad Hreibat - was arrested on Sept. 22, 2002 and is serving a life sentence. PMW has been unable to determine the specific nature of his crimes.


Ali Abd Al-Latif Sayes


Rushdi Abu Mukh


Israa Ja’abis


Khitam Al-Sa’afin


Mai Afaneh


Aisha Al-Rabi – 48-year-old Palestinian woman who was killed when rocks were thrown at her car on Oct. 12, 2018, at Tapuach Junction near Nablus. An indictment was submitted against a 16-year-old Jewish minor on Jan. 24, 2019, claiming that he murdered Al-Rabi in a terror attack; the minor denies the charges. A May 2019 forensic investigation indicated the damage to Al-Rabi’s skull was inconsistent with being hit by a single rock as per the indictment, after which the minor was released to house arrest in the home of relatives in Kfar Saba and then in May 2020 was allowed to return to his home in the West Bank. The minor is awaiting trial as of March 27, 2022.


Walid Daqqa

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